Design, Construction & Material Defects

Construction is complex. Defects resulting from improper construction, design, or materials are costly and can create extensive delays or business interruption. CTLGroup’s technical experts develop solutions to minimize project delays, facilitate claims processes, and return the construction to a serviceable condition.


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Investigation, Evaluation & Repair

CTLGroup routinely assists clients with the investigation, evaluation, and repair of the following common defects:

  • Design Defects: Defects stemming from errors and omissions in the design relative to applicable requirements in codes and standards, or relative to the industry standard of care.
  • Construction Defects: Failure of the as-built construction to conform to applicable requirements specified in the design documents, the overall design intent, the manufacturer’s installation instructions, or industry standards.
  • Material Defects: Defects related to improper or non-performing construction materials and/or products. Our consultants will apply their specialized knowledge and leverage our state-of-the-art field and laboratory testing capabilities to help you find practical and cost-effective solutions to your problems. If the situation results in a dispute, our consultants can provide expert services to facilitate resolution of the matter.

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